Imagine Dragons Evolve World Tour Concert Review: A Must Go


The Imagine Dragons Evolve World Tour was held on 7 January 2018. It’s their second time back in Singapore and the Indoor Stadium was packed to the brim. With a mix a families bringing their young children (we’re not talking about babies, more like school-going children), singles and couples filling the stadium, everyone was enjoying themselves. Here’s our Imagine Dragons Evolve World Tour Concert Review.

Pre-event Hype

There was no pre-event hype for this one, which we were kind of disappointed. Other than the usual sale of official merchandise, there was no billboard poster, freebie giveaway or ID songs being played. Britney still does it best when it comes to pre-event hype.

Main event

The concert started with a video about evolution, which was like an introduction to their latest album. However, when ID came on stage, that’s where the magic began. There was no frills, no techno displays, no fancy props. It was pure singing from Dan Reynolds and the rest of the band.

Needless to say, the crowd was enjoying themselves, rocking it out with the band and when popular tunes like Thunder and Radioactive came on, the crowd went wild. Everyone was on their feet singing their heart out.

Fan interaction was pretty good as well. Dan Reynolds took the time to explain why he wrote the songs, Demons and Yesterday to the crowd. Something I’m sure all fans would empathize and appreciate. Between songs, he was spreading messages about peace and love, a universal message which transcended to everyone in the stadium.


Definitely worth going again and again. From start to end, every bit of it was awesome. Imagine Dragons make music that is so relate-able on different emotional levels, whether it being emotions of joy, sadness or loss.

If there’re back in Singapore again, I’m definitely going.

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