5 things to do during the school holidays for teachers!

It’s the school holidays!! Yipee!!


It is every teacher’s  light of the end of the semester where we have a whole month to ourselves. This is one of the reasons that make teaching as a career so wonderful.

Here are my 5 things I do during the holidays.


1. Sleep

Every teacher needs this! Waking up at 5.30am every morning is something my aging body can’t take.

Holidays = sleeping in. Yawn… good night…


2. Spend time with family & friends

Monday – NIE Friends

Tuesday – Gossip Queens

Wedensday – Mummy Time

Thursday – University Friends

Friday – Time for a late night movie with Eric

Because during term time, we are so busy and tired after a day’s work that holidays are the best time to meet up with friends and family and catch up!

Holidays are also a good time to spend time alone. Use the day to explore a part of Singapore, head out for a walk, chill and curl up with a good book in hand or catch a movie by yourself.



3. Shopppinggggg

Whether it is shopping for school stuff or personal items, we all need retail therapy to destress! What a better time to shop during the school holidays when there’s Great Singapore Sale in June and Christmas sales in December.


Check out my post on 5 items every teacher should get when school starts.!


4. Go for a holiday!! and do  #1,#2,#3 again.

The downside of being a teacher is having to travel during the peak seasons (June and December). However, the upside is that we get to go on extra long holidays without worrying/counting the number of leaves left.

The best part, we get to do all the above again in overseas!  Imagine sleeping in an igloo , shopping in Tokyo or  across the Causeway or go on an adventure with your loved ones.


See my post on Iceland Trip in June 2016

See my post on Taiwan in Dec 2015

See my post on Alaska in June 2015


5. Take up a course

Plenty of time, check!    check-304214_640

This the time to do what you always wanted to do. No other career gives you 1 to 1.5 months of paid holidays!

For me, I decided to learn driving so that I can drive Eric’s “Little Blue” car-161770_640 to school next year! Hehe…

Otherwise, check out Government Skill-future portal for “free” courses! It is “free” as long as we can claim with the credits given to us! Make full use of  “free” money given and upgrade ourselves!

There are many interesting courses to choose from. Based on your interest, you can choose a “Flower arrangement” course to a “Mobile App coding” course or a “Video Editing” course.


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