5 reasons why you should go to the next Coldplay concert: A Coldplay concert review

Many months ago, I was contemplating if I should go for the Coldplay concert. The tickets were rather expensive and I was apprehensive on the sound system at Sports Hub. BUT! Glad I made the decision to buy the tickets and go for it.  If you’re contemplating on going for a  Coldplay concert, we have the best 5 reasons why you should go to the next Coldplay concert.


1. Colourful and Energetic

It was a night in full technicolur. Full of energy and love, transcending through generations. It was as if you’ve stepped into a kaleidoscopic carnival filled with a variety of laser, confetti bursts, gigantic balloons which drove the crowd wild and brief moments of shooting flames. The jumbo screen added on to the myriad of colours on display. It was as if Coldplay was determined to make their fans have such an enjoyable time soaking in the special effects and colourful stuff.


2. Best performers of our generation

If you haven’t realised, Coldplay is one of the most charitable bands on this planet. They’ve been to hospitals to appreciate the work done by care givers by giving out FREE TICKETS!

Throughout the concert, the one evident message they were advocating was clear. Spread the LOVE. They’re all about making the world a better place and showing a little more love to the less privileged. It really makes the fans feel empowered to go and spread the love. Instead of focusing on themselves and their achievements, they were so humble and down to earth. Even though they were visibly tired and perspiring profusely through out the 2 hour concert, they still gave it their best, with Chris Martin singing his heart out, and channeling positive vibes throughout, keeping the energy level of the audience at high points.


Credits: Hau Yin Yau

3. Creating personalized moments

Chris Martin was so fired up by the energy of the audience, he decided to compose a song about Singapore on the spot. Such a sweet moment. Watch the video below!


4. Family friendly

Many families were out in full force on both days of the concert. There were many young ones in the audience enjoying themselves and singing along to all the songs. I guess that makes Coldplay so special. PG rated songs with lyrics transcending through generations. If you’re thinking of a good family bonding activity, going to a Coldplay concert with your kids might just be the answer.

5. They treasure their fans

They are all about the fans. Throughout the concert, Chris Martin couldn’t thank the fans enough, and I guess that’s why they gave it their all for each concert. They listen to their fans and before their concert, had a song request dedication made public to know what Singapore wanted to hear. Such a simple gesture speaks a thousand words. We the fans, matter a lot to them.


6. Getting your money’s worth

Bonus reason why you should go for the next Coldplay concert: You get full 2 hours of pure Coldplay songs, with no interruptions,  no appearances by “special acts” or unnecessary talking.  Many other concerts I have been too were either “shortened” because the artiste was too tired or starting an hour late. But not for Coldplay, the awesomeness starts and ends with you being breathless.


Credits: Hau Yin Yau


So, after reading, should you still head to the next Coldplay concert? YES!

Leave a comment down below and share with us why you love Coldplay too!

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